Nadia Compton
Labor Relations Consultant & Event Coordinator
Nadia Compton is a labor relations consultant and event coordinator in Blanning & Baker’s Sacramento Office.
In her capacity as a labor relations consultant, Compton works closely with client’s members to advise them of their rights and help them remedy workplace issues at the lowest level possible. She assists members in disciplinary matters, workplace conflict resolution, contract enforcement, and in client contract bargaining and Meet and Confers.
Compton also organizes and implements large events for several clients, including, for example, the annual Sacramento Regional STEM Fair, an annual State Scientist Day event, and various rallies and demonstrations in support of clients’ missions and goals.
Prior to joining Blanning & Baker, Compton served as the Operations Supervisor for a local children’s science education and enrichment services provider.
Compton is a graduate of the University of California, Davis, has taken additional coursework through the UC Berkeley Labor Center, and is trained in both “traditional” and “interest-based” bargaining styles.