Our Clients

Professional Engineers in california Government (PECG)

PECG represents 14,000 state-employed engineers and related professionals responsible for designing and inspecting California's infrastructure, improving air and water quality, and developing clean energy and green technology.

California Association Of Professional Scientists (CAPS)

CAPS represents nearly 3,000 highly educated, specially trained state-employed scientists working in over 30 state departments and 81 scientific classifications. CAPS members protect the public from life-threatening diseases, safeguard our wildlife and abundant natural resources, and protect our air and water from toxic waste and pollution.

California State Retirees (CSR)

CSR is California’s largest state retiree organization. CSR’s 35,000 members dedicated their careers to public service working in every state agency to serve taxpayers and implement the directions of the Legislature and governor. CSR is committed to protecting the hard-earned pension and health care benefits of retired state employees.

Association Of California State Supervisors (ACSS)

The Association of California State Supervisors is the largest and most experienced organization in California, representing over 11,000 members and 11 chapters statewide. ACSS fights for better careers and compensation for state supervisors, managers, and confidential employees.

Sacramento Regional Science & Engineering Fair Foundation (SRSEFF)

The Foundation is responsible for the annual Sacramento Regional Science & Engineering Fair. The event encourages and rewards scientific, engineering and technological excellence among students in 6th through 12th grades throughout the Sacramento region. SRSEFF also involves the business community, elected officials and the media through publicity, sponsorships, scholarships and mentoring opportunities. Current and past sponsors include Intel, Liberty Mutual, Aerojet, Teichert Foundation, PECG and CAPS.

National Association Of State Highway And Transportation Unions (NASHTU)

The National Association of State Highway and Transportation Unions (NASHTU) is dedicated to ensuring that federal transportation dollars are spent on cost-effective, safe projects that serve the public interest. NASHTU is comprised of 38 unions and associations representing hundreds of thousands of state and locally employed transportation engineers, construction managers and inspectors, technical workers and related public servants from throughout the United States.